In the words of world famous photographer Elliott Erwitt:

Photography is an art of observation… It has little to do with the things you see, and everything to do with the way you see them”

I have chosen photography as my profession because it gives me the chance to express visually the immense diversity of the people, places and many different cultures in this world.

During my travels within New Zealand and abroad I have assembled a collection of images reflecting the moods and textures of the land and the people who live there.

It is my endeavour to capture an essence of life…….It is always a privilege to be invited to record memories as people celebrate milestones, whether they are personal, documentary, commercial or simply for the sheer fun of it…To capture themselves at a particular point in time, something that will never be repeated in exactly the same way.

Being a recipient of numerous awards in over 20 years of business, recent nominations in the Masters Cup International Photography Awards in 2009 for photojournalism and 2010 in the food category, have confirmed my commitment to the career I am passionate about.As a member of the NZIPP, I have qualifications in portraiture, and in wedding photography for which I received an award in 2010.

Enjoy browsing my gallery, let the images speak for themselves and show the many shades of this amazing world we live in.

– Jo

Contact Jo:
Phone: (04) 383 8362, Fax: (04) 383 8514